Thanks for your interest in MagMutual’s risk report!
Reduce risk with data and advice from MagMutual
On average, a physician spends 10% of their career burdened by the weight of an open, unresolved malpractice claim. An understanding of the risks doctors face in their practice and how to identify and prevent them is a key element in improving patient care and preventing professional liability claims.
To help, MagMutual has developed a risk mitigation report that offers a whole new level of information and advice so physicians can better understand what triggers claims and implement strategies to reduce the likelihood of one.
Learn about:
- The top drivers of frequency and severity associated with specialty-specific malpractice claims
- Risk reduction strategies to mitigate the likelihood of a claim
With the help of our expert advice, you can decrease your exposure and improve outcomes.
MagMutual: Better Informed. Better Prepared. Better Results.
MagMutual provides comprehensive coverage, along with exceptional service, extensive support and financial benefits, to more than 30,000 healthcare providers and organizations nationwide.
healthcare providers insured
2nd largest
mutual medical professional liability provider in the U.S.
97% of claims
from the last five years resolved without going to trial
PolicyOwner rewards
1 Market position based on S&P Global Market Intelligence 2021 year-end financial filings.
2 Dividends and Owners Circle allocations are declared at the discretion of the MagMutual Board of Directors and are subject to eligibility requirements. .